Tuesday, May 30, 2006

shake that bleep for me

i was listening to the radio the other day and found myself once again very irritated about what was playing. a local radion station was playing a radio-edit version of eminem's latest release. it contains about one bleep for every four words so i feel that i'm getting jipped by them playing the song.

it seems as though this radio station has decided that some of the lyrics would be offensive to their listeners but have also decided that the entire section that creatively describes oral sex is acceptable. i'm not sure how they came to this conculsion but i would like to think that their listeners would be less offended by the continual use of "ass", but i've been wrong before.

i guess my thing is that if you have to use bleeps, you don't need to play it in the first place.


Anonymous said...

Heh. There is a song by Pussycat Dolls called Beep-- where the beeps are actually a planned part of the song.

Anonymous said...

But what about the children! You can't have the children here that garbage. Then their parents would have to discuss things like sex, drugs and rock-n-roll to them. How inconvenient!